Friday, October 2nd is Manufacturing Day #mfgday20 sponsored by the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) and the International Sign Association (ISA). Manufacturing Day serves to educate local students on how our industry offers rewarding, good paying, interesting and highly skilled career choices. It also expands community awareness of the industry and demonstrates how design industry contributes to the local and national economy and how we, at P.S. Services, as installers, play a vital role in the sign, graphics, and visual communications industry.
We are partnering with ISA and NAM as part of this important day. If this were a different year, we’d invite you to our facility in Anaheim, but being 2020, we are participating virtually with an open house video that is easily inserted in the curriculum. If you or your students would like to participate, please contact us!
#psservices #trustedresource #signmfgday #signinstallation #psservicesinstall #signandlightingrepair #signage
#signservices #anaheimcalifornia #lighting #signs #signlove @isasigns